Are you seeking a happy and fulfilling life?
Free yourself from inner blockages

My name is Harriët Kroon, Light Worker and one of the two ‘Principal Light Carriers’ (anchors) of The Emerald Heart Light. I have been working as an energy therapist and healer since 2001, I developed an effective healing system and founded the global Divine Plan Healing School. Using remote healing, online consultations, essence vibrations and Light Jewellery, I have had the privilege of supporting thousands of people on all continents. My goal and passion in all I do, is to foster and enhance the body’s self-healing capacity. My work focuses on helping you to step into your unique blueprint, find your path and stand strong in your gentle power.
If you are ready for a happier and more fulfilled life, I invite you to take a 30-minute Discovery Consultation for €30 without any obligation.
Amazing results
How The Emerald Heart Light
can help you

‘My heart opened’
The Emerald Heart Light and The Emerald Heart essences form a spiritual short cut. You clear out that which needs clearing, restricting emotions. The inner liberation comes closer and closer. For me, the most special was feeling how my heart opened up, I experienced the power of my true nature.’
Ulrike, Germany
‘To the point and professional’
‘Harriët gets to the point quickly, is decisive and professional. You feel she knows what she’s doing. She listens well and I feel safe with her. She helped me a lot.’
Johanna, The Netherlands
Practical spirituality for everyone
How I can help you
To meet your specific needs, I offer a variety of services like remote consultations.
Perhaps you prefer a self-help tool like Light Essences, Light Transmissions or Light Jewellery.
What does your heart feel drawn to?