Activation of the Spark of Joy


More joy in life

Do you struggle with a lack of joy in your life?

Do you recognize feelings of numbness, dullness, the absence of drive, or perhaps even down-heartedness or no enthusiasm for life?

Then this Emerald Heart Formula may help you!

With our Focused Formulas (4-week Light Transmission of the Emerald Heart Light with a special focus) we offer you the opportunity to synchronise yourself with the current waves of the ever-changing Universe. This helps you live your life with ease and grace. 

Benefits of this 4 Week Focused Formula:

  • More playfulness
  • Enhancing your experience of Wonder and Beauty in life
  • Expanded enthusiasm for exploration
  • More joy in life
  • Zest for life

Read more or register below


‘I integrated so many aspects of my being’

‘I really enjoyed this activation of the Spark of Joy. I was working through many old patterns which were well past their sell by date. The fear and old beliefs  causing these patterns were just old energy that was stuck. Once I allowed them to come to the surface, they were carried away by the Light. It felt like a current washing through my energy system, clearing old debris away. The result was very uplifting. I integrated so many aspects of my being. I saw my inner child of three running through a field of buttercups, in the sunshine. Joining hands with the young woman, the mother, the family – all the aspects of me that I had disconnected from were coming out, joining together, feeling the joy of being in the sunshine. Running free. Feeling alive.’

Annette, United Kingdom
How does it work

This 4 Week Formula of Light flows through all levels of the aura and chakras to help see new ways of adapting to our changing world. The Light flows directly to where it is needed based on your own Higher Self directing the Light that we provide for you.

The Emerald Heart Light flows to you directly from the Source via the Universal Laws that were given with the Light.

You don’t need to do anything

Once you have registered, The Emerald Heart Light will flow into your heart and energy system for 28 days. In the four weeks after, The Light will relax down and gradually fade out, having done its work. In total you will be supported for about eight weeks.

Special Offer: 5 euro discount on The Emerald Heart Light essence

If you like, you can add an essence vibration to your Light Transmission. This Emerald Heart Light essence consists of pure Liquid Light and will enhance the overall effect of your 4-week Focused Formula.

There are two ways to receive the essence vibration:

  • Receive a dropper bottle with the essence vibration and choose between alcohol based or alcohol free. I use alcohol for preservation reasons, but this is not necessary if you have a preference.

  • Receive a remote transmission of the essence vibration in a bottle that you have prepared. The advantage of a transmission is that you avoid the postage fee. You can reuse one of our dropper bottles or use a little bottle of mineral water. With your order confirmation you will receive instructions on how to do this.

The specifics of the Emerald Heart Light essence

Our 10ml essence bottle contains pure Emerald Heart Light, water and ca. 30% alcohol for preservation.

  • Our essences do not interfere with homeopathy or any other medication.

  • Emerald Heart essences are not intended to replace medical care and/or medication from a qualified health practitioner.


Once you have purchased, please check your inbox for the order confirmation. It has downloadable information on your Light Transmission. If you order an accompanying essence, you will also receive a link to instructions on how to take your essence. If you do not receive this email, please check your spam folder.

Additional information


Essence bottle by post €32,95, Alcohol-free essence bottle by post €32,95, Transmission of the essence vibration (no postage) €25,51

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