Activation of the Spark of Joy


More joy in life

Do you struggle with a lack of joy in your life?

Do you recognize feelings of numbness, dullness, the absence of drive, or perhaps even down-heartedness or no enthusiasm for life?

Then this Emerald Heart Formula may help you!

With our Focused Formulas (4-week Light Transmission of the Emerald Heart Light with a special focus) we offer you the opportunity to synchronise yourself with the current waves of the ever-changing Universe. This helps you live your life with ease and grace. 

Benefits of this 4 Week Focused Formula:

  • More playfulness
  • Enhancing your experience of Wonder and Beauty in life
  • Expanded enthusiasm for exploration
  • More joy in life
  • Zest for life

Read more or register below

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‘I integrated so many aspects of my being’

‘I really enjoyed this activation of the Spark of Joy. I was working through many old patterns which were well past their sell by date. The fear and old beliefs  causing these patterns were just old energy that was stuck. Once I allowed them to come to the surface, they were carried away by the Light. It felt like a current washing through my energy system, clearing old debris away. The result was very uplifting. I integrated so many aspects of my being. I saw my inner child of three running through a field of buttercups, in the sunshine. Joining hands with the young woman, the mother, the family – all the aspects of me that I had disconnected from were coming out, joining together, feeling the joy of being in the sunshine. Running free. Feeling alive.’

Annette, United Kingdom