Evolutionary Alignment Program


A 4-week Program bringing you into Harmony with the
Fluctuations of the Universal Vibrations in the moment, with The Emerald Heart Light.

Our 4-week Evolutionary Alignment Program can help with experiencing:

  • More harmony and balance
  • More calm and inner tranquility
  • More trust in the flow of life

Read more or register below

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How does it work

Of course, we cannot predict what will happen on earth, but the intelligence of The Source knows. The Emerald Heart Light comes from The Source. The intelligent nature of it knows exactly what you need in the moment, helping to bring greater harmony, peace and ability to cope with life.

The Emerald Heart Light flows to you directly from the Source through the Universal Laws that were given with the Light.

From the Start Date onward, the Emerald Heart Light will flow directly into your heart for 4 weeks. Your Higher Self in the heart then distributes the Light throughout your being over a period of around 8 weeks, adjusting to the individual needs of your vessel in the moment.

You don’t need to do anything

The Emerald Heart Light is an aspect of the Source and is pure consciousness. Its Universal Intelligence will feel your intention to receive our Evolutionary Alignment Program, which you set by your exchange.

Once you have registered, the Emerald Heart Light will flow into your heart from the 1st of May for 28 days.

The specifics of the Emerald Heart Light essence

This essence vibration contains pure Emerald Heart Light

  • Our essences do not interfere with homeopathy or any other medication.

  • Emerald Heart essences are not intended to replace medical care and/or medication from a qualified health practitioner.

  • Our essence vibrations do not contain any animal, plant or mineral derived ingredients.


Once you have purchased, please check your inbox for the order confirmation. It has downloadable information on your Light Transmission and instructions on how to receive and take the Emerald Heart Light essence vibration. If you do not receive this email, please check your spam folder.

Additional information


Essence bottle by post €32,95, Alcohol-free essence bottle by post €32,95, Transmission of the essence vibration (no postage) €25,51

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