Entering Relaxation


Drink in to your heart the Light of Relaxation

This 4-week Formula of Emerald Heart Light flows through all levels of your heart and energy system. The Light flows directly to where it is needed based on your own Higher-self directing the Light that we provide for you.

  • Letting go at the mental level
  • Letting go of Tension and Stress throughout the aura
  • Connecting deeper with the Self
  • Living more in-tune with your Healthy Boundaries
  • Greater ability to stay in the now
  • More resilience to adapt to change and challenge

Read more or register below


How does it work

This 4-week Formula of Emerald Heart Light flows through all levels of your heart and energy system. The Light flows directly to where it is needed based on your own Higher-self directing the Light that we provide for you.

The Emerald Heart Light flows to you directly from The Source via the Universal Laws that were given to us with the Light.

You don’t need to do anything

The Emerald Heart Light is an aspect of The Source and is pure consciousness. Once you have registered, the Emerald Heart Light will flow into your heart from the 17th July to the 14th August for 28 days.

Special offer: free Emerald Heart Light essence vibration
(Value €25,51)

We would like to offer you, at no charge, a ‘transmission’ of The Emerald Heart Light Essence. To receive this essence vibration through our Essence App, you will receive instructions once you have registered.

The specifics of the Emerald Heart Light essence vibration
  • Our essences do not interfere with homeopathy or any other medication.

  • Emerald Heart essences are not intended to replace medical care and/or medication from a qualified health practitioner.


Once you have purchased, please check your inbox for an email with instructions on your Light Transmission and how to take your essence vibration. If you do not receive this email, please check your spam folder.

Additional information


Essence bottle by post €32,95, Alcohol-free essence bottle by post €32,95, Transmission of the essence vibration (no postage) €25,51

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